Hello! i think this is the translation of Yagi Bushi :)
The famous Kunisada Chuji was born in renowned Kunisada Village, Sawagori District, Joshu Province. His father's name was Chubei; Chuji was their second son. Born with a chivalrous spirit, he would willingly fight to help others.
He became a great gambling boss, envied by all. In 1846, mid-autumn, he built a gambling palace. There he passed each day in gaming battles - today, tomorrow, everyday.
Well, I'd like to continue this tale further: a long and skilful performance would be wonderful. But a long and untalented one would upset the gathering, so as voices cry out "Stop! Stop!", I'll halt my tale right here.
from: http://www.komuso.com/albums/Min'yo_-_Folk_Song_from_Japan_-_Takahashi_Yujiro_and_friends.html
<3 Rebekah